Friday, 18 July 2008

Snes Classic Controller Script.

This script makes your classic controller, turn into a Snes controller. Who needs VC? When you have a Bluetooth Adapter and GlovePIE.

Here is the text version:

// Controls for SNES
//Written by Tom Jones
//The controls are (set your emulator to these):
//A-Button = A
//B-Button = B
//Y-Button = Y
//X-Button = X
//Dpad or Joy1 = ArrowKeys
//L-Button = Q
//R-Button = P
//Plus-Button = Enter
//Minus-Button = O

A = Wiimote.Classic.a
B = Wiimote.Classic.b
Y = Wiimote.Classic.y
X = Wiimote.Classic.x
Arrowkeys = Wiimote.Classic.Dpad
Arrowkeys = Wiimote.Classic.Joy1
Q = Wiimote.Classic.L
P = Wiimote.Classic.R
Enter = Wiimote.Classic.Plus
O = Wiimote.Classic.Minus
Wiimote.Led1= true

Here is the download version:

Thanks for downloading my script



mardigon said...

thanks for this!

Scoot said...

Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks! My kids are now very quiet.